All news at TU Wien

The atom chip of the Vienna University of Technology
© Atominstitut

When quantum particles swirl about, they still obey universal laws. Different quantum systems can show the same behaviour – this has been demonstrated…

A new Christian Doppler Laboratory at TU Wien is expected to contribute to the next storage revolution within IT.

[Translate to English:] Das Team der CellChipGroup, das sich mit Gewebezüchtung am Chip befasst: Dr. Mario Rothbauer, Prof. Peter Ertl und DI Barbara Bachmann (v.l.n.r.)

Biochips have been developed at TU Wien (Vienna), on which tissue can be produced and examined. This allows supplying the tissue with different…

[Translate to English:] Der Atomchip der TU Wien

When quantum particles swirl about, they still obey universal laws. Different quantum systems can show the same behaviour – this has been…

Photo of the group
© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

As part of the rock and tunnel construction lecture, a group of interested students visited the construction lot SBT 2.1 – intermediate attack…