All news at TU Wien

CEC lecturer wins award

On Thursday, June 13, 2019, the Best Teaching Awards 2019 were awarded and we are pleased that one of our long-standing lecturers was honored: Karin…

 A neutron (left) can decay spontaneously into a proton (right). An electron and an antineutrino are also created in the process.
© Atominstitut

Can dark matter be created when neutrons transform into protons? This is a hotly debated theory – but new analyses from TU Wien do not support this…

A neutron (left) can decay spontaneously into a proton (right). An electron and an antineutrino are also created in the process.

Can dark matter be created when neutrons transform into protons? This is a hotly debated theory – but new analyses from TU Wien do not support this…

Workshop on Matter-Wave Interferometry
© Atominstitut

The 2nd Informal Workshop on Matter-Wave Interferometry was held in the beautiful city of Vienna on Thursday May 23th and Friday 24th 2019 at the…