Personal MBA Journey | Mayara Bregalda

Mayara Bregalda

Personal Profile

Name: Mayara Bregalda

Education: Industrial Mechatronics

Job Position: Product Development - Validation & Verification

Personal Highlight: Moving to a country where you have no idea about the native language and culture, shapes all your world into a new perspective. You are on your own far away from family and friends, so you have to face everything as a challenge to be overcome.

MBA program: MBA Automotive Industry (Start October 2021)

MBA Journey Take-off Interview

The combination between the world that I know as a professional and the management and business areas made it appear perfect. Plus, the fact of the course be in English and all the specialist I was able to look over when choosing the program.

You are always surrounded by inspiring people.

I have the desire that before this program is finished, I can have a nice opportunity in a big automotive company that will allow me to mix my technical background with the new acquired knowledge.

Expect to get pushed out your comfort zone. You will have insights about yourself that probably your never notice before, if like me, you are from a technical area.

At some how the Automotive program made it possible, despite it does not look like at first. The course was designed for people being able to have all these three sides of life in balance. We have a lot of readings, cases, assignments, but as the lectures are just once per month, you have time to spread the load and be able to have all in sync.

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