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(Aspiring) executives often face a wide variety of challenges in their projects and teams that require broad knowledge of management topics and leadership skills. This becomes even more evident in times of change, be it external or internal developments. The time for decisions is extremely short and yet managers must remain capable of acting and communicate meaningfully to employees. Under changed circumstances, employees need a lot of orientation to be able to work effectively. Managers need to know how to navigate a wide range of circumstances and be able to recognize the latest technological developments and integrate them into their ecosystem.

In the "Management & Technology" Base Camp, we provide you with the hard facts you need to gain decision-making and voice in management issues. As a leader, you will thus expand your know-how on a business management level and master management challenges in day-to-day business as well as in a future-oriented way when developing strategies and implementing new technologies. In our "Leadership Retreat", you will also deal intensively with the topic of leadership on three levels: the individual level, the team level and the organizational level. You will learn to define the development dynamics of organizations on a structural, processual and cultural level and to influence transformation processes through the methods you learn.


In the Executive MBA Management & Technology, you will dive into the hard facts of management and technology management and deal intensively with the topic complex of leadership.

  •  Participation and decision-making competence in general questions of management and technological developments
  •  Recognition of technology-driven trends and implementation of innovation measures
  •  Ability to develop starting points for change initiatives
  •  Ability to analyze the behavior of employees and teams in organizations as well as of organizations themselves
  •  Strengthen your individual leadership personality


Target group

Alumni of the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education (ACE) at all levels who want to be able to explain the hard facts in management and who want to take an in-depth look at leadership and management. The course specifically supports individuals in a management position who need to meet the challenges of integrating and navigating new, constantly evolving technologies while best leading their team through the change.

Please Note: only for graduates of the university courses and master programmes of the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education


Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) in Management & Technology.


Theoretical content, presentations, group dynamic exercises (indoor as well as with a light outdoor character), case studies, simulations, collegial case consultation (to work with own leadership challenges), reflections and discussions.

The Leadership Retreat takes place in small groups (12-18 participants) in order to facilitate an intensive examination of the topic as well as discussions and exchange of experiences in a setting that promotes trust.

The workload of the program equals 57 ECTS-65 ECTS, dependend of application of already aquired ECTS.


TU Wien & Seminar hotels in the surroundings of Vienna.

Participation Fee

The participation fee is EUR 13,800.00 - EUR 16,000.00 (depending on the amount of ECTS points applicable; VAT-free, excl. travel and accommodation expenses).


German or English


2 to 3 semesters plus master's thesis depending on credit transfer possibility.

Dates on request via mba@tuwien.ac.at