In our basic modules on Management & Technology, you will acquire a basic understanding of technology and key business skills in order to develop the ability to have a say and make decisions on general management issues against the backdrop of technological developments. In the basic camp on Leadership & Organizational Behavior, you will grow beyond yourself and get to know your leadership behavior in a new way. Experiential and application-oriented learning as well as intensive exchange and interaction in small groups raise your leadership competence to a new level and strengthen your self-image as a leader.

Management skills meet innovative business ideas

The program's Master Class addresses both the visionary side of business start-ups and the traction of transformational and innovative changes in the corporate sector. In addition to the analysis and assessment of trends in the field of digitization & technology, the program focuses on strategy development and management approaches for (future) executives at intersection and decision-making positions.

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Your Key Learnings

  • to explain the basics of behavior and the role of leadership in organizations. 
  • differentiate between different leadership styles. 
  • to analyze the behavior of employees and teams in organizations as well as of organizations. 
  • to develop starting points for change initiatives. 
  • to set clear priorities in your decision-making processes in order to influence your employees.
  • to describe group processes and to design them.
  • to define the development dynamics of organizations on a structural, processual and cultural level and to influence transformation processes through the methods learned.

In our Base Camp around the topics of "Management & Technology", you will deepen your knowledge in the areas of "Finance, Accounting & Economics", "Managing Technologies" and "Strategy & Marketing". 

Your Key Learnings in the area of 'Finance, Accounting & Economics'

  • to explain the basic aspects of internal and external corporate accounting, to apply them independently in the practical working environment and to use them for business decisions.
  • to solve practical financing and valuation problems by applying basic financial principles.
  • discuss macroeconomic relationships and current economic policy measures, apply central economic theories and concepts, and analyze the consequences of individual decisions in a market economy context

Your Key Learnings in 'Managing Technologies'

  • the fundamental aspects of data science and technology management 
  • to select appropriate methods for data collection, apply suitable estimation procedures, and to analyze the results of a routine sample survey.
  • describe basic concepts of probability and statistics and apply them to analyze simple data sets.
  • assess the impact of big data on businesses and how the analysis of (big and heterogeneous) data can be used in your working environment
  • understand the potential applications of new technologies from a management perspective 
  • present new technologies and assess what influence they have on yourwork environment and how they can be used in the respective context.
  • present the basics of innovation processes on a company level, identify and apply important tools, models and methods of innovation management and develop innovation strategies.

Your Key Learnings in the area of "Marketing & Strategy 

  • to discuss the core topics of marketing and consumer behavior and to apply them in practice to specific situations
  • to create specific marketing analyses and strategic marketing plans
  • to explain the complexity of global business processes in a dynamic and competitive environment.
  • apply knowledge from various business disciplines, both individually and collectively to solve practical problems.
  • learn how to strategically manage internationally operating companies using performance indicators and financial ratios. 


Our Master Class offers specializations in various topics:  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Technology, Sources of Innovation, Innovation Marketing, Innovation Strategy & Business Development, Organizing Innovation, Innovation Growth & Funding Organizing Innovation. 

Your Key Learnings in Entrepreneurial Leadership & Technology and Business Development

  • to analyze and describe critical aspects of company formation as well as environmental influences and trends. 
  • to identify relevant decision factors for the implementation of start-up and innovation decisions in large international technology companies as well as in start-up companies on the basis of real case studies.
  • to apply creative problem-solving techniques and manage ambiguity and complexity in a business context. 
  • to conduct potential analyses 
  • to develop global business plans 
  • to develop financing plans to secure the necessary venture capital for start-ups.

Your Key Learnings in Organizing Innovation

  • to describe the advantages and disadvantages of different organizational architectures and to critically analyze organizational challenges of innovation processes. 
  • to define the interfaces of innovation processes to other core functions of business administration (e.g. strategy, marketing). 
  • to solve key organizational challenges to innovation using appropriate problem-solving skills, methods, and approaches.
  • to structure ideas and presentations, and to research, analyze, and summarize relevant information in a meaningful way. 
  • to apply your teamwork skills
  • to apply your problem and conflict resolution methods and strategies.


Your Key Learnings in Innovation Management

  • to describe different market research approaches, different sources of innovation within and outside organizations, and different innovation strategies, and define the challenges of commercializing new technologies.
  • to describe approaches for the successful introduction and diffusion of innovations and apply them in your work environment.
  • to identify the main approaches and related methods for finding sources of innovation and their advantages and disadvantages. 
  • to generate and apply innovation-related knowledge.   
  • to evaluate yourcompany's innovation strategy, propose improvements and become a proactive innovation promoter in your organization. 
  • to apply the central instruments and concepts of strategic innovation management. 
  • to analyze market situations and design appropriate go-to-market activities and marketing action plans. 
  • to conduct structured analyses and to summarize and present them

You will learn the essentials of successful negotiation:

  • develop an effective and appropriate mindset to conflict situations
  • Structure the negotiation process
  • apply concepts of strategy and tactics effectively
  • handle difficult situations with confidence
  • build solid business relationships and create future opportunities

In your Master's Thesis, you will work independently on a problem in a topic area of your own choice, using scientific methods. In most cases, this is a problem with practical relevance to your own working environment.