Turning great ideas into reality.

Have you woken up recently thinking, "I want to drive change!" or “I want to be a digital pioneer in my company!” or “I want to use digitization to contribute something meaningful to our society”? Digitization, artificial intelligence, and robotics impact every industry in disruptive ways and fundamentally change how we work. At the same time, these technologies offer many opportunities to develop new business areas. Managers and employees are confronted with the need for training and continuous learning. After all, managing these disruptive technologies is the key to a company's success. If you want to shape digitization actively, you are in good hands with us.

In the Executive MBA "Innovation, Digitalization & Entrepreneurship, IDEa", we focus on entrepreneurial leadership and innovation management with a focus on new technologies. You will acquire crucial know-how and helpful methods for developing new business models, designing and organizing innovation processes, and financing and marketing innovations. At the same time, we focus on our students' personal and social skills, develop leadership skills, and work on transferring what they have learned into practice. If you have a great idea and finally want to realize it, want to drive change in your company, or want to shape digitization, the IDEa Program should be your choice. We accompany people who want to get things moving.  

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Interview with Academic Director Univ. Prof. Dr. Sabine Köszegi

Final Degree: Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) | Innovation, Digitalization & Entrepreneurship

ECTS credits: 92

Duration: 3 semesters + Master's Thesis

Structure: Part-time, blocked in modules

Language: English (with optional German modules)

Tuition Fee: EUR 26,890.00 (VAT-free, excl. expenses for travel and accommodation. Additional charges apply when participating in the international field study), -10% Reduction for TU Wien Graduates

Admission Requirements: First academic degree*, minimum 3 years of work experience, personal interview
* Persons holding an equivalent educational and professional qualification may also be admitted

Locations: TU Wien, surrounding area of Vienna, possibility to do a study trip

Academic Director: Univ. Prof. Dr. Sabine Köszegi

Your Key Learnings

  • Know-how about navigating your company or organization
  • Decision-making competence about management and new technologies 
  • Empowerment of your leadership personality
  • Know-how and practical tools for developing innovation strategies in order to unfold the potential of new technologies at all levels
  • Additional qualifications in our electives Accelerator & Innovation Projects and Field Study to European hotspots

This Executive MBA is the right choice if you aim to

  • start or grow a company,

  • become a proactive innovation lead in your organization,

  • understand your role as an entrepreneur or intrapreneur or

  • want to proactively effect change in your organization.

We particularly adress professionals from the following areas:

  • (High) tech companies / organisations and business in different industries and operation fields

  • NPOs and public institutions

  • SMEs


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Our lecturers at one glance.

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