We have been able to secure university professors as well as nationally and internationally active experts from the respective fields as lecturers, who will pass on their first-hand knowledge. The lecturers mentioned below represent an excerpt from the faculty. We reserve the right to make changes.

Management & Technology Essentials

Dr. Helmut Aigner

Dr. Helmut Aigner

FCI Fischer Consultants International | Austria

Prof. Ferry Stocker

Prof. Ferry Stocker

Lecturerer | University of Vienna, TU Wien, Danube University Krems | Austria


Leadership & Organizational Behavior

Dr. Yanis Hamdali

[Translate to English:] Dr. Yanis Hamdali

Researcher  Innovation, Strategic Management & Futures, Chair of International Management, European University Viadrina | Germany

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Rupert Hasenzagl

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Rupert Hasenzagl

Management Consultant & Lecturer | Austria

Dr. Arne Keller, MSc

[Translate to English:] Dr. Arne Keller, MSc

Postdoctoral researcher, Institute for Management Sciences, TU Wien | Austria

Dr. Astrid Kleinhanns-Rollé

[Translate to English:] Dr. Astrid Kleinhanns-Rollé

University assistant (postdoc), Institute for Management Sciences, TU Wien & Founder WU Executive Academy | Austria

Masterclass Healthcare Futures

Univ.Prof. Dr.med. Michael Hiesmayr

Michael Hiesmayr

Medical University of Vienna | Austria

DI Bettina Hufe

Bettina Hufe

BG Kliniken Berlin | Germany

DI (FH) Martin Kern

Martin Kern

TEAMPLAN Tübingen | Germany

Dr.-Ing. Maja Kevdzija, MSc

Maja Kevdzija

TU Wien | Austria

Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

TU Wien | Austria

Anja Leetz, MSc

Anja Leetz

GIZ Berlin | Germany

DI Dr. Magdalena Maierhofer

Magdalena Maierhofer

Health Expert, Planning and System Development, GÖG | Austria

DI Stefan Meyer

Stefan Meyer

Heaad of Consulting, TELLURIDE Düsseldorf | Germany

Dipl.-Ing. Lars Oberwinter

Lars Oberwinter

Managing Director, Plandata GmbH | Austria

Prim. Dr.med. Romana Palmansdorfer

Romana Palmansdorfer

Head of the Department of Acute Geriatrics and Remobilisation, LKH Rohrbach | Austria

DI Svenja Partheimüller, MSc

DI Svenja Partheimüller, MSc

SWAP Architektur | Austria

Arch. DI Monika Purschke

Monika Purschke

Architect, Albert Wimmer ZT GesmbH | Austria

Univ.Prof. DDr. Judit Simon, MSc DPhil

Judit Simon

Professor of Health Economics, Medical University of Vienna | Austria

Juliane Sutter MA MSc

Juliane Sutter

Project Manager Strategic Operations & Location Planning | UNI-SPITAL Basel, Switzerland

Univ.Prof. Dr.med. Wilfried Wisser

Wilfried Wisser

Head of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, MedUni Wien | Austria

Univ.Doz. DI Dr. Gabriel Wurzer

Gabriel Wurzer

Simulation Expert, Lecturer and Researcher, TU Wien | Austria

Paul Otzelberger BSc MA

[Translate to English:] Paul Otzelberger

Division Manager, VAMED | Austria

The above faculty represent a selection of our lecturers.