We have been able to secure university professors as well as nationally and internationally active experts from the respective fields as lecturers, who will pass on their first-hand knowledge. The lecturers mentioned below represent an excerpt from the faculty. We reserve the right to make changes.

Executive MBA Future Supply Chain Management Brochure Button

Core Modules

Management & Technology Essentials

Dr. Helmut Aigner

Dr. Helmut Aigner

FCI Fischer Consultants International | Austria

Prof. Ferry Stocker

Prof. Ferry Stocker

Lecturerer | University of Vienna, TU Wien, Danube University Krems | Austria


Leadership & Organizational Behavior

Dr. Yanis Hamdali

[Translate to English:] Dr. Yanis Hamdali

Researcher  Innovation, Strategic Management & Futures, Chair of International Management, European University Viadrina | Germany

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Rupert Hasenzagl

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Rupert Hasenzagl

Management Consultant & Lecturer | Austria

Dr. Arne Keller, MSc

[Translate to English:] Dr. Arne Keller, MSc

Postdoctoral researcher, Institute for Management Sciences, TU Wien | Austria

Dr. Astrid Kleinhanns-Rollé

[Translate to English:] Dr. Astrid Kleinhanns-Rollé

University assistant (postdoc), Institute for Management Sciences, TU Wien & Founder WU Executive Academy | Austria

Vortragende | Future Supply Chain Management

Dipl.-Ing. Lisa Greimel

Lisa Greimel

Gruppenleiterin Intelligente Instandhaltung und Produktentwicklung
Geschäftsbereich Arbeitsgestaltung und Digitalisierung
Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
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Mag. DI Lydia Novoszel

Lydia Novoszel

Researcher and international Supply Chain Professional | WU Vienna

International Project Management (IPMA)

Dr. Dagmar Silvius-Zuchi - Gründerin und Managerin enable2change

Dagmar Silvius-Zuchi

Dagmar Silvius-Zuchi is an experienced consultant and trainer in process management, project and program management, as well as change management, with a solid understanding of various PM standards. Students benefit from her many years of experience in consulting and management, as well as her involvement in the development of international ISO project management standards.