We have been able to secure university professors as well as nationally and internationally active experts from the respective fields as lecturers, who will pass on their first-hand knowledge. The lecturers mentioned below represent an excerpt from the faculty. We reserve the right to make changes.

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Core Modules

Management & Technology Essentials

Dr. Helmut Aigner

Dr. Helmut Aigner

FCI Fischer Consultants International | Austria

Prof. Ferry Stocker

Prof. Ferry Stocker

Lecturerer | University of Vienna, TU Wien, Danube University Krems | Austria


Leadership & Organizational Behavior

Dr. Yanis Hamdali

[Translate to English:] Dr. Yanis Hamdali

Researcher  Innovation, Strategic Management & Futures, Chair of International Management, European University Viadrina | Germany

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Rupert Hasenzagl

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Rupert Hasenzagl

Management Consultant & Lecturer | Austria

Dr. Arne Keller, MSc

[Translate to English:] Dr. Arne Keller, MSc

Postdoctoral researcher, Institute for Management Sciences, TU Wien | Austria

Dr. Astrid Kleinhanns-Rollé

[Translate to English:] Dr. Astrid Kleinhanns-Rollé

University assistant (postdoc), Institute for Management Sciences, TU Wien & Founder WU Executive Academy | Austria


[Translate to English:] Portrait von Florian Bauer

Florian Bauer holds the Sir Roland Smith Chair in Strategic Management at Lancaster University Management School. He examines sustainable corporate development and organizational transformation processes, particularly mergers and acquisitions. He is also editor-in-chief of M&A Review and co-founder of MADiscover GmbH (digitization of M&A screening).

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[Translate to English:] Foto Martin Friesl

Martin Friesl is Professor of Business Administration at the University of Bamberg, Professor of Strategic Management at Lancaster University Management School and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR). His research focuses on strategic renewal, strategy implementation, and the development and replication of organizational capabilities.

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[Translate to English:] Foto Wolfgang Güttel

​Wolfgang H. Güttel is a university professor for human resources and corporate management at the Institute for Management Sciences and Dean of the Academy for Continuing Education (ACE) at the TU Vienna. His research is dedicated to the topics of leadership, strategy & change management. Previously, he was head of the Institute for Leadership and Change Management at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz and Co-managing director of the LIMAK Austrian Business School.

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[Translate to English:] Portrait von Ann Christine Schulz

Ann-Christine Schulz is research coordinator and senior researcher at the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS). She previously worked as a Junior Professor for corporate strategy at the Free University of Berlin and as a visiting researcher at UC Irvine and WU Vienna. Her research interests lie in the areas of restructuring, acquisitions and management compensation.

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[Translate to English:] Walter Schwaiger

Walter Schwaiger is Chairman of the Institute of Management Sciences and Professor at the TU Wien. He studied business administration at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at the University of Innsbruck, where he habilitated in 1999. His teaching and research interests include IFRS Financial Management: Investment and Financing, Cost and Performance Accounting, Controlling as well as Enterprise Risk Management and IT-based Management Systems.

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Prof. Dr. Jochen Koch

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Koch holds the Chair of Management and Organization and Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship Research at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt | Or. His research focuses on strategic heuristics and communication in organizations, organizational creativity, path dependence and the strategic development of emerging markets (e.g. start-ups).

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