23. Mai 2024, 09:43 bis 09:43

Tech M&A in 2024 · Startup Circle #36 · Herwig Springer, CEO of i5invest


The Startup Circle of the TU Wien TOP Fellows invites to an evening to learn about and discuss Tech M&A. This event will be held in English at the Infineon Hub at the TU Wien.

How does Tech M&A look like in general and in 2024?

Founding and growing your company is a journey and quite a roller coaster. A lot of the steps are well documented, but how can you find the right strategic partner and investor for your company? Let's shed some light on this.

We invited Herwig Springer, who co-founded and leads the global Advisory business of i5invest and is a TU Wien Alumni himself.

Who is invited to this event?

The topic of M&A is important for everyone who is starting a company and wants to grow it. This is a public event, so everyone interested is welcome, not just our TU Wien TOP Fellows club members. However, if there is too much interest, we reserve the right to save seats for members of the association and students of TU Wien. It will be first come, first serve.


Matteo Savio, founder, and CEO of several companies, co-founder & board member of the TU Wien TOP Fellows, and head of the Startup Circle, has already shown entrepreneurial tendencies in his teenage years and currently runs small companies in the fields of digitalization, infrastructure & marketing.

What language will we speak?

This event will be in English to be accessible for most people. However, as there are many native German speakers present, we might switch to German now and then.

We're looking forward to seeing you there!

TU Wien TOP Fellows



Infineon Hub
1040 Wien
Paniglgasse 1-3



TU Wien TOP Fellows
Matteo Savio











Anmeldung erforderlich


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