Aktuelles von der Wassergütewirtschaft

Kleines Insitutstreffen in Zürich

Gruppenbild des Kleinen Institutstreffen in Zürich 2022

© Eberhard Morgenroth

Kleines Institutstreffen in Zürich 2022

Five universities, a small group with mixed career stages and the willingness to take a break from hectic everyday tasks to discuss and reflect together on a broad spectrum of topics ranging from riverbasin management, wastewatertreatment, monitoring, nutrients recycling and even visions of how wastewater management and local agriculture could look like in 2050.
This was the "kleines Institutstreffen" 2022 in Zürich. For us a truly pleasant and inspiring meeting!
A big thank you goes to the teams of
Eberhard Morgenroth and Max Maurer for hostling and organizing and to the teams of Thomas Wintgens, Heidrun Steinmetz, Ulrich Dittmer and Peter Krebs for the interesting contributions and discussions.