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Work Programme recognized by ESFRI

The work programme of Neutron & Quantum Physics Group has been singled out by the ESFRI Scripta entitled "Neutron scattering facilities in Europe: present status and future perspective".

First Page on: NGL_CombinedReport_230816_Complete document_0209-1

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First Page on: NGL_CombinedReport_230816_Complete document_0209-1

The work programme of Neutron & Quantum Physics Group has been singled out by the ESFRI Scripta entitled " Neutron scattering facilities in Europe , öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster : present status and future perspective".

The section “Fundamental physics” on page 29 reads

“As a probe, very slow neutrons are employed very effectively for fundamental physics studies: for example to sense the quantisation of the gravitational field, opening up possibilities to understand in detail the characteristics of the gravitational force, inaccessible by other means. It should be noted too that neutron beams are used to study the fundamental properties of the neutron itself – such as its lifetime as a free particle, neutron-neutron oscillations, and the possible presence of a very weak electric dipole moment, all essential inputs to understanding the dynamics of the Big Bang and the evolving structure of the cosmos today. Neutron interferometry has convincingly demonstrated that all quantum effects exhibited by ‘waves’ and specifically light are also exhibited by ‘particles’ such as neutrons. This has been a spectacular success. Here the use of very slow neutrons - Ultra Cold Neutrons - which are produced predominantly at reactor sources, are essential. The information obtained has much wider implications for fundamental physics, touching, for example, on the validity of the Standard Model and complementing the work performed at high-energy physics laboratories such as CERN.”

ESFRI - the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures - was set up in 2002 by the European Commission to identify and develop the key strategies for the next generation of large-scale research infrastructures, corresponding to the needs of the European research communities.

The implementation of the TRIGA MARK II reactor of the Atominstitut  – Technical University of Vienna is included in the ESFRI – report [1] co-operating abreast with ILL, ISIS, Orphee, BER II, … in future scenarios exceeding 2034. This continues traditional and present efforts on Neutron Interferometry and Neutrons in Gravitational Fields and might give direction to future emphasis.