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"Trends in eCommerce"

In der Zeit von 20. Oktober bis 26. Jänner 2008 findet eine Veranstaltungreihe zum Thema eCommerce statt.

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Die (Lehr-)Veranstaltungsreihe bietet einen up-to-date Überblick über den Stand der Anwendung und auch der Forschung. Nationale und internationale ExpertInnen wurden eingeladen ihren Beitrag zu präsentieren.

Veranstalter ist die E-Commerce Group, Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems.

Termine: 20. Oktober 2008 - 26. Jänner 2009 (11 Termine)
Zeit: 17:00-19:00 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum Zemanek, Favoritenstrasse 9-11, Erdgeschoß (außer am 22. Oktober)

Termine und Themen 2008/2009:

  • Monday, October 20th
    eGovernment Innovation: Rethinking EU Trade Procedures in The Beer Living Lab
    Ziv Baida - IBM Global Business Services, The Netherlands

    The EU is currently reshaping its customs legislation and practices. Intensive use of IT, G2B partnerships and G2G collaboration should enable the EU to cope with the increasing security, safety, financial and health requirements, and yet to reduce administrative burden. But how can these abstract concepts be transformed into a tangible reality? The lecture will focus on the eGovernment innovation introduced by the Beer Living Lab's trade procedure redesign and on the multi-faceted research scope of such a project

  • Wednesday, October 22nd
    Ontologies and Model-driven Software Engineering
    EI 1, Gußhausstrasse 25, 1040 Vienna
    Steffen Staab - University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

    Model-driven engineering (MDE) is used in software engineering to separate concerns of domain modeling and realization into a pipeline of transformations from platform-independent model to code. MDE builds on metamodels to facilitate such transformations. Metamodels have also been developed for semantic web languages, such as OWL-DL. We argue in this talk that very interesting possibilities arise once the metamodels of OWL and software specification languages like UML are joint. We present such metamodels and two use cases.

  • Monday, October 27th
    Process, Content and Web 2.0
    Max Pucher - ISIS Papyrus Software, Austria

    Functional concepts of Web 2.0 do make sense as part of a new enterprise platform because of the dynamic, user oriented, freely customizable interfaces and functions that people find today on the Internet and in Web 2.0 applications. Adopting Web 2.0 for the enterprise might introduce potentially incompatible technologies into the workplace. Business users will demand tools to assemble and change systems with no prerequisite knowledge of the underlying infrastructure. How can we create content in process context that empowers users rather than restricting them? What can we learn from complex adaptive systems in nature or from human learning to make it happen?

  • Monday, November 3rd
    REA (Resources, Events, Agents)
    Pavel Hruby - Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen, Denmark

    REA (Resources, Events, Agents) is a modeling framework and ontology for business applications. The REA ontology specifies economic principles of e-commerce, thus allowing for interoperability between electronic-commerce applications based on shared semantics of underlying economic phenomena. In this lecture I will explain the REA model in detail, and will demonstrate an REA software application to illustrate its benefits compared to traditional solutions.

  • Monday, November 17th
    Liability of Service Providers - New Developments in Europe and the U.S.
    Andreas Wiebe - Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria

    Service providers play a crucial technical and economic role in e-commerce. The growing illegal distribution of music and film products has led the industry to activities on different levels. On the one hand service providers are sued for providing information to identify users performing illegal conduct. On the other hand efforts are being made to make inroads into the immunity from liability by establishing at least a limited duty to review contents. As to Web 2.0 a new agreement between industry and ISP in the U.S. tries to find an efficient third way between legal enforcement and technical protection by imposing self regulatory measures directed at effective filtering measures. The question remains whether this path deviates from the balance of interest the legal rules try to establish.

  • Monday, November 24th
    Improving Interoperability Possibilities in E-Commerce by Enhancing the Semantic Expressiveness of Conceptual Categories
    Bill McCarthy - Michigan State University, USA

    The research ontologist Leo Obrst has constructed a "semantic expressiveness" scale for evaluating the philosophical approaches to interoperability. This scale ranges from syntactic methods to frame-based structuring to full logic-based approaches. This presentation will discuss and evaluate the Obrst labeling system in the context of discussing different approaches to building accounting and enterprise interoperability schemes. Prominent examples to be included in this discussion will include XBRL, the REA enterprise ontology, and the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology.

  • Monday, December 1st
    The Semantic Desktop - a new hope for Personal Information Management
    Leo Sauermann - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany

    With today's operating systems it is possible to store a file to a folder, but not to a project or a person. Applications do not share concepts of persons or projects. In the Semantic Web effort, the W3C has proposed standards for the management of metadata.
    This talk is about a merge of Semantic Web and Personal Computers resulting in the Semantic Desktop. Existing data sources are adapted to RDF, enabling integration across applications. Different projects aim at implementing the new paradigm, in the talk the open source frameworks published by the NEPOMUK project are presented.

  • Monday, December 15th
    Bringing Pervasive services to Mobile Users
    Massimo Paolucci - NTT DoCoMo, Germany

    We are living in a world in which digital services are increasingly provided at the "street level". Such services are becoming one of the media through which we interact with the environment. In this trend, mobile phones are the tool through which we gain access to these services, and through them to operate in the real world. This poses new problems of how to discover services in a contextual way, how to provide them in such a way that they make sense to a busy user on the run, and how to support the user when things go wrong. In this talk I will discuss our experience with developing a mobile platform to deploy on mobile phones for intelligent service provisioning.

  • Monday, January 12th
    Identity and access management in Austrian portal network "Portalverbund"
    Gerold Pesendorfer, Peter Pichler - LFRZ GmbH, Austria

    The Portalverbund - as part of the Austrian e-government strategy - is used within the most important governmental G2G applications such as ZMR (Central Register of Residents), EKIS (Police Information System), or FSR (Register for driving licenses). The participants (e.g. ministries, federal countries and other public organisations) run user portals to administrate access rights for all applications needed. Organisations providing applications are using an application portal which controls the access of user portals to their applications. The technical base for the communication between users and applications is the Portalverbund-Protocol (PVP). The newest challenge in this context is the usage of Portalverbund for B2G communication.

  • Monday, January 19th
    Adapting to Users in Recommender Systems
    Francesco Ricci - Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

    Recommender systems have emerged as an important part of the solution to the information overload problem facing today's Web users. Combining ideas and techniques from information filtering, user modeling, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction, recommender systems provide users with proactive suggestions that are tailored to meet their particular information need. In this talk I will present some novel recommendation technologies that are making recommender systems more adaptive to the user. Here, the focus of the adaptation is on the interaction process, i.e., to the various actions the system may perform to better help the users in achieving their specific information goals.

  • Monday, January 26th
    Blog Mining - Market Research done easily?
    Bettina Berendt - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

    The easy availability and large quantity of opinions in blogs and other forms of "user-generated content" on the Web offer an opportunity to complement laborious and expensive techniques of market research by techniques of data mining, which enable easy and fast analysis of large amounts of data. In this talk, an overview of current techniques, and its possibilities and limitations will be discussed. Topics include the maturity and the politicization of the German blogosphere and the semantic content of tags.

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Alle Termine 2008/2009 finden Sie auch unter <link http: index_p_1_258.html _blank><link http: index_p_1_258.html _blank>