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The Future of Construction Processes

Unser Univ.Ass. Oliver KÖNIG berichtet aus dem Seminar "The Future of Construction Processes" über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Baubetrieb. Der Bericht ist nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

Person mit einer VR-Brille untersucht einen Tunnel mittels Augmented Reality.

TIMS im Einsatz auf der Baustelle.

In recent years, digitization in the construction industry got more and more present. Compared to traditional working methods, digital tools are expected to improve the efficiency of the construction process. Due to rising requirements like price pressure or environmental responsibility, construction companies need to improve their operation to compete globally. Implementing tools that can reduce costs, time and errors in the planning process is a challenge companies all over the construction industry are currently facing. For the third time experts in the construction industry digitization field presented the digital solutions for problems they face every day, at the seminar “The Future of Construction Processes”.

The full report can be found in the attachment.