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QME News: März 2018 (2)

COST Action AtomQT nimmt Fahrt auf!

The COST program, supported by the EU Framework Program Horizon 2020, is the longest running European Framework. COST actions help transnational cooperation between researchers, scholars and engineers across Europe, increase the mobility of researchers and foster the establishment of scientific excellence. The COST Action AtomQT aims at such cooperation in the field of quantum science with atoms. In the spirit of the second quantum revolution, AtomQT serves as a platform for expert groups in research and engineering aiming at the development and commercialization of quantum technologies based on ultra-cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates. The AtomQT network will also provide information to the general public and policy makers by improving the visibility of quantum technologies with outreach. Thorsten Schumm and Stephanie Manz represent Austria in the Management Committee.

AtomQT started in November 2017 and now picks up pace. Within the first round of Short Term missions, the Cesium Team was happy to host Tadej Mežnaršič, Phd student in Peter Jeglič’s group at the Josef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. Brainstorming on the work packages and future efforts took place at the AtomQT “Quo vadis” meeting at FORTH-ISL on the island of Crete in April 2018.

More information about AtomQT can be found here, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster. You can also follow AtomQT on Twitter, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster!