Alle News an der TU Wien

QME News: Juli 2017 (3)

Unsere erste 2D - MOT am Cäsium Experiment


© Atominstitut

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ColdQuanta RuBECi equipped with a Cesium dispenser

© Atominstitut

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ColdQuanta RuBECi equipped with a Cesium dispenser

laser system

© Atominstiut

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laser system

We have completed setting up the laser system at 852 nm for the Cesium BEC experiment. To provide the laser beams and frequencies for laser cooling, optical pumping and imaging, we use a typical combination of two diode lasers from Toptica, as well as additional amplifiers to deliver the laser power for a double MOT system. The setup is a commercial vacuum system by ColdQuanta, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.

The RuBECi (in our case equipped with a Cesium dispenser) is a self-contained ultra-high vacuum system consisting of two glass cells and an ion pump. The upper facet holds the atom chip for trapping and controlling ensembles of ultra cold atoms. As a first milestone and test for our laser system, we achieved a 2D MOT in the lower chamber only 4 months after starting with empty tables in the lab.