
09. Mai 2023, 13:00 bis 16:00

#E4s - Corporate Branding


Are you interested in corporate branding and wondered how to tackle it efficiently for your research results or your startup/spin-off?

Corporate Branding is said to be expensive and time-consuming, its impact on a company's success is simply not easily quantifiable. Furthermore, brand strategies require fundamental know-how in marketing – a vital obstacle for startups, and small or medium enterprises. But without authentic and convincing communication even good ideas remain unseen, ant the company's sales fail to reach their potential.

Goals and learnings:

  • Get to know a new take on branding
  • Understand the role of branding and its purpose
  • Apply a psychological approach instead of marketing approach
  • Obtain an easy-to-understand blueprint – a shortcut to branding

About the Speaker

Florian Hämmerle is a Viennese brand designer and storyteller and founder of David , öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster– a free collective of designers. By focusing on tools that are intuitively applicable they help create and maintain strong brands that do not require any marketing expertise. The workshop „Let me tell you a story … a shortcut to powerful branding“ delivers insights into the core method „Archetypal Branding". It shows an easy way to focus a brands communication by finding an emotional and meaningful key message.

About the Entrepreneurship 4 Scientists

The Entrepreneurship for Scientists Series organized by the TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) is targeting scientists who would like to enrich or develop a personal entrepreneurial skillset & business competencies, know more about opportunities how to navigate innovations from „the lab“ to society or who would simply like to engage in entrepreneurial thinking. These workshops are free of charge to scientists from all faculties and institutes of TU Wien. Registration required.



TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center (i²c)
1040 Wien
Taubstummengasse 11



TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center (i²c)
Magdalena Stejskal










Anmeldung erforderlich


Registration possible for TU Wien scientific personnel and PhD students only. Please register here, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.