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EU Code Week 2020: Wide range of courses at the TU Wien-Computer Science Department

The Faculty of Computer Science at the TU Wien offers free online activities for school classes throughout Austria during the EU Code Week from October 12 to 16.

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The offer is aimed at students aged 10 to 17 years as well as teachers. The numerous activities run under the motto #4GoodAI (for good artificial intelligence) and are made available both in real time and pre-recorded. The activities are designed to promote digital literacy. This year the focus is again on socially relevant topics such as artificial intelligence, fake news or health. At the same time, there are webinars for an introduction to programming.

The offer is complemented by the virtual Hackathon #4GoodAI - motto: "The health of the individual and society".

Program focus

  • Science in the classroom:
    40-minute live lectures by researchers and practitioners on artificial intelligence, fake news and health, among other topics.
  • Live webinars for programming with Scratch or CS Unplugged:
    Webinars introducing programming with scratch and CS Unplugged including free computer science teaching materials.
  • Live SpeedMentoring:
    Live career counseling in cooperation with the FIT Sprungbrett association.
  • #How2Hack:
    A series of explanatory videos in which experts from various fields provide information and learning materials, as well as advice and tips about the Hackathon 4GoodAI. At the same time the topics artificial intelligence and computer thinking are also covered.
  • Virtual Hackathon #4GoodAI
    The "Hackathon for good AI" takes place every autumn as a virtual hackathon in the framework of the EU Code Week and aims to help students to get to know computer science better - as a tool that can help to solve problems of the modern world and improve our lives.
    • Topic: Public and individual health
    • Duration: 10 - 25 October 2020
    • Participants: 5th to 11th grade
    • Cash prizes worth 4000 Euro

Info & Registration

Until September 25, 2020, school classes or individuals can register online for one or more #4GoodAI activities for free:, opens an external URL in a new window

Registration & Info Hackathon:, , opens an external URL in a new window

The EU Code Week

The EU Code Week, was launched in 2013. The European Commission supports the EU Code Week as part of its strategy for a digital single market. In the Action Plan for Digital Literacy, the Commission particularly encourages schools to participate in the initiative. The goal is to reach 50% of all schools in Europe by 2020.

4GoodAI takes place within the project ADA (Algorithms Thinking Different), together with the cooperation partners Digital City Wien, and Verein FIT Sprungbrett.