University Life and Culture News

TU Vision 2025+ | Invitation Week of Workshops

We cordially invite you be a part of the most important milestone of TU Vision 2025+: The week of workshops, 2nd to 6th of March 2015!

Details on the program, propositions, focus groups and registration can be found at: <link http: week_of_workshops en>

MONDAY, 2. March 2015: START UP
16.00 - 17.00: Opening (Rector Sabine Seidler, Core team TU Vision 2025+)
18.00 - 21.00: Julian Nida-Rümelin (former Minister of State, LMU München): "Der Akademisierungswahn. Zur Krise beruflicher und akademischer Bildung."

TUESDAY, 3. March 2015: OPEN-MINDEDNESS - Position in Space and Time
14.00 - 17.00: Focus groups
18.00 - 21.00: Thomas Rizzo (EPF Lausanne): "The reconstruction of EPFL: A view from the inside"

WEDNESDAY, 4. March 2015 - BEYOND BOUNDARIES - Unity in Diversity
14.00 - 17.00: Focus groups
18.00 - 21.00: Helga Nowotny (ERA Council Forum Austria, ERC): "Die Sehnsucht nach Veränderung - zwischen wissenschaftlich-technischem Anspruch und universitärer Wirklichkeit"

THUSDAY, 5. March 2015 - AMBITION - Excellence for Shaping the Future
14.00 - 17.00: Focus groups

FRIDAY, 6. March 2015 - SUMMARY
15.00 - 17.00: Wrap Up & Conclusions (Core team TU Vision 2025+)

All events will take place at Kuppelsaal (Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna). Catering will be provided. We kindly ask you to register for the focus groups on the project homepage: <link http: week_of_workshops focus_groups en>
We are looking forward to a constructive, motivating and inspiring week of workshops on the future of TU Wien.

<link http: fileadmin t vision pdfs propositions_and_program_week_of_workshops.pdf _blank pdf-link>Program Download

Core team TU Vision 2025+: Ulrike Diebold, Christian Hellmich, Thomas Kiefer, Rudolf Scheuvens, Gerald Steinhardt, Gottfried Strasser

Project coordination:
Julia Fellinger
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