
Person wearing VR-glasses examines a tunnel using augmented reality.

Our Univ.Ass. Oliver KÖNIG reports from the seminar "The Future of Construction Processes" about the latest developments in construction processes.

screenshot website google noto fonts

In the future, no more empty rectangles will appear in the generated PDF, as the font for PDF creation in TISS is being switched to Google Noto.

TU Children's University Water Quality Management Team
© iwr

This year our team had again the pleasure of participating in the Kinderuni. The young researchers were able to take a close look at how wastewater is…

Dominik and Pablo

In the face of escalating global energy challenges and a looming climate crisis, the race to discover sustainable and clean fuel alternatives has…

An updated software for the VPN servers of the TU Wien will go into operation on July 19, 2023 at around 3:00 p.m.