
[Translate to English:] Maschine im Vordergrund mit verschwommenen Hintergrund
© TU WIEN | Matthias Heisler/

FemTUme - the women's network of the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - invites you to visit the Pilot Factory of TU Wien.

[Translate to English:] Collage mit Bildern vom GEO-Tag 2023
© Pictures: Dimoiu; Collage: König

Report and photos of the department's open day.

Icon Blackboard with Person

The Research Unit Soil Policy and Land Management offers this winter semester 2023 again some courses for the Bachelor and Master programs Spatial…

Dr. Florian Vogelbacher will start his professorship for Optical Technologies and Materials at FH Münster at the Department of Engineering Physics.…

Ansicht Hauptgebäuder der TU Wein am Karlsplatz
© Matthias Heisler

The water quality and river basin management group led by Prof. Matthias Zessner is hiring!
Our topics deal with modelling and management of sources…

white hexagonal lattice overlayed by wawy lines

The carbon material graphene has excellent electronic properties. But are they also stable enough to be useful in practice? Calculations from TU Wien…