
Train passing through green city landscape, skyscrapers in background
© 620657000

Thomas Angeli gave a presentation on the TUW patent "Klimafitte Stadtseilbahn" as part of the event "Klimafitte Stadt".


TU Wien Bibliothek is offering trial access to the comprehensive image database Artstor until 31 December 2023.

Sage Research Methods

In October and November, TU Wien has trial access to case studies, video tutorials, programming courses with large datasets and more from Sage…

JSTOR platform

TU Wien Bibliothek now offers access to the “JSTOR Archival Journals and Primary Sources Collection”.

"Roxy", the boat in which the team crossed the Atlantic Ocean.

Ciara Burns crossed the Atlantic in a rowing boat - and collected scientific data about her own body under stress. Now the scientific analysis of the…