
Picture of Irene Himmelbauer

Irene Himmelbauer is awarded the 2023 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).

Lunch Lecture: Lokale Antworten auf aufenthaltsrechtliche Prekarität

The book "Lokale Antworten auf aufenthaltsrechtliche Prekarität" will be presented as part of a lunch lecture at the FAKTory bookstore from 12 pm

cracked soil due to drought
© Maud Correa

Swarnalee Mazumder was awarded the 2023 Women4Geo scholarship of the Research Unit Remote Sensing and worked on "Forecasting Heatwaves in Central…

Group picture at Siemens

At the beginning of October this year, the Institute of Energy System and Thermodynamics organized an excursion to Germany lasting several days. As…

Mikko Rahtola from Finland is currently (until Christmas) participating in a researcher exchange at our institute. He is working as a manager and…