
two atoms in a Maxwell fish lens, and a photon wave
© Oliver Diekmann (TU Wien)

A team at TU Wien has developed a "quantum ping-pong": Using a special lens, two atoms can be made to bounce a single photon back and forth with high…

A photo showing the audience in the foreground and a speaker, a presentation with the TUesday Lounge logo and panellists in the background..
© Sandrine Roche

On 23 January 2024 at 5:30 pm, you will have the opportunity to discuss the limits of Open Science with Barbara Sánchez and other guests in the…

Japanese Geisha walks on a pedestrian zone between historic wooden buildings
© Tianshu Liu | Unsplash

This program provides intensive courses for students of partner universities from both domestic and overseas, as well as students of Ochanomizu…