
A flat wave (left) meets the specially shaped grid screen, which converts the electron beam into right-rotating and left-rotating vortex beams (top and bottom), and a middle beam that does not rotate. Similar to in a tornado, the rotation of the electron current is low internally.

Prof. Schattschneider from Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna), together with colleagues from Belgium, is developing a method of producing…

Der Preis der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft ÖPG, wird alle zwei Jahre für ausgezeichnete wissenschaftliche Arbei im Bereich der…

Physiker beobachten molekulare Prozesse mit Attosekunden-Lichtpulsen. Forscher der Technischen Universität (TU) Wien sind an dem Experiment in Kanada…

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The Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) is investing in research in the field of energy and environment. A newly created doctorate course…