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© Projet Rubens, ENS Lyon, Creative Commons

Logic and computer science are closely related. Basic research in logic is crucial for computer and software engineering.

New ways of shaping ultra short laser pulses have been found at the Vienna University of Technology: An “optical synthesizer” increases the intensity…

Share your innovative idea at the falling walls lab, win a scholarship and travel to the finale in Berlin! Application deadline: 23 May 2014

[Translate to English:] Laser wechselwirkt mit Atomen: Es handelt sich nicht einfach um eine sinusförmige Welle, sondern um eine Welle mit komplizierter Form - maßgeschneidert, um einen starken Effekt am Atom auszulösen.

New ways of shaping ultra short laser pulses have been found at the Vienna University of Technology: An “optical synthesizer” increases the intensity…

Also this semester, outstanding professors visit the Faculty of Informatics and give lectures on their research fields in computer science.

A bullet fired through a block of wood will slow down. In a similar way, ions are decelerated when they pass through a solid material: the thicker the…