

Just like in 2019, MoodleMoot DACH 2024 will again be organized by TU Wien and will take place from September 3, 2024, to September 6, 2024, at…

Dr. Miriam Bertola

The 24th Climate Day (24. Österreichischer Klimatag) at the TU Wien was a big success!

Poster "FUTURE CITY: Beyond Asphalt"
© TU Wien | Faculty of Architecture & Spatial Planning, future.lab, research units Landscape, urban, ifoer

Join us on Wed, 17 April 2024 when speakers from various fields discuss current and future developments in public spaces!

Clara with the biophysics team. She is wearing the self-made doctor's hat that her colleagues made for her.
© TU Wien

Congratulations to Dr Clara Bodner!