
Participants at the ÖGHMP conference in Salzburg

From May 13-16, the biennial ÖGHMP conference took place in Salzburg, where water-associated health played a major role among many preventive medicine…

[Translate to English:] Bewerbung

The call for applications is now open!

Cards with the two guiding questions from fuTUre fit are hanging on a wall. A mirror foil is stuck behind the cards.

The white wall in the air pavilion is installed. Come by and leave your answers to the two key questions of the Strategy Development Process.

The photo shows a group of seven people in front of the DAMAP tutorial presentation.
© Barbara Sánchez

We presented a poster and delivered a hands-on workshop on DAMAP, our open-source tool for creating machine-actionable data management plans.

From now on, students will receive Zoom free of charge without an ordering process and billing for employees will be switched to direct billing.