
[Translate to English:] Laborführung im Labor

On May 10, 2023, the Open House Day took place at the IFT - Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Photonic Technologies, and it was a resounding…

TimePix3 camera on a table before installation

At the beginning of May, our new AdvaScope TimePix3 camera was delivered and installed at the TECNAI F20 behind the energy filter. It can record…

Photo collage Excursion Freshwater
© iwr

After spending long hours in the lecture halls, the students of environmental engineering are understandably eager for hands-on experience.
That's why…

Photo of Valentin Gebhardt (MA 18) and Georg Wieser (Studio LAUT) during the second MOVE.Walk
© Florian Pühringer (MOVE)

Topic of the second walk: the Supergrätzl in the 10th district!

[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto
© Katharina Schiffl

Vasiliki-Maria (Wilma) Archodoulaki, co-founder of femTUme, was nominated for this year's ÖGUT Environmental Award in the category "With Research &…