
Group picture with guest Radoslav Tonev
© N. Weber

Our team was truly pleased to host Radoslav Tonev from the Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering at University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and…

 screenshot und text release news

In addition to various ongoing projects, CSD is constantly working on improvements for TISS. Recently, several changes were released that are not…

Picture of Melanie Haider in front of a white background

At the end of June, Melanie Haider left the SRF and the entire team would like to thank her for her excellent cooperation and support in teaching,…

After the migration of the service "Email for students" to Exchange Online, access to mail.student will be deactivated as of July 11, 2023.

Best Teaching Award 2023 - Group picture
© Matthias Heisler

The 7th Best Teaching Awards were presented at a ceremony at the end of June.