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International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management – ICEEM07

The 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management –ICEEM07 has as major headline “Integration Challenges for Sustainability” and will be held this year between 18th and 21st of September 2013, in Vienna, Austria.

This ICEEM edition is co-organized by:

  • Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Austria (TU WIEN)
  • “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI), Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Romania,
  • in close cooperation with the Environmental Biotechnology Section of the European Biotechnology Federation.

The series of International Conferences on Environmental Engineering and Management, was initiated and organized every 2 years, since 2002, by the Department of Environmental Engineering and Management of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection from the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, aiming from the very beginning to bring together international researchers, academics, professionals and students, activating in the fields of environmental engineering and management and to support knowledge exchange and dissemination of specific research and educational programmes. The conference language was exclusively English for all the ICEEM editions. The Department of Environmental Engineering and Management of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection from the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi was classified in 2011 on the 1st place in the field of Environmental Engineering programmes at the Romanian level, considering its educational, research, national and international visibility and collaboration programmes.

The 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management – ICEEM07, represents a major international scientific event that is dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of scientific results obtained at international and national level in the fields of environmental engineering, environmental management and sustainability, the major conference topics of this year being: Environmental pollution and monitoring; Water supply and wastewater treatment; Environmental friendly materials; Sustainable processes and production; Modeling, simulation and optimization; Environmental biotechnology; Waste management for resources and energy recovery; Environmental integrated management and policy issues.

This year participants at ICEEM07 (171 registered participants) are coming from 33 countries, from all the continents, providing a global character to this edition.

The opening ceremony of ICEEM07 will be held on the “Prechtlsaal” of the main building of the Vienna University of Technology on September 19, at 9.00 am. The opening ceremony will bring contributions from: Prof. Dr. Johannes Fröhlich, Vice-rector for Research at TUWIEN, Prof. Dr. Carmen Teodosiu, Vice-rector for Research at TUIASI and ICEEM07 Chair Person, Prof. Dr. Anton Friedl, ICEEM07 Chair Person, Prof.Dr. Spiros Agathos, Vice-Chair of the Environmental Section of the European Federation of Biotechnology.

Five keynote plenary conferences will be held after the opening ceremony, the speakers being very well known scientific personalities: Prof. Dr. Adisa Azapagic from the University of Machester, United Kingdom, Prof.Dr. Han Brezet, from the Delft University of Technology, Prof.Dr. Spiros Agathos, from the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Prof.dr. Andjelka Mihajlov, from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia and Prof.dr. Emmanuel Koukios,from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece.

Even if there will be very intense conference activities during 19- 21 September, focusing on research, innovation, multidisciplinarity and cross-sectorial approaches related to environmental issues, the ICEEM07 activities will not end in September in Vienna.

The most important scientific contributions presented at ICEEM07 will be published in 4 important international peer-reviewed journals Special Issues, with the support of the ICEEM07 Chair persons, appointed Guest Editors and the International Scientific Committee members. These journals are presented below:

  • Environmental Engineering and Management Journal (ISI ranked), 2 special Issues
  • New Biotechnology (ISI ranked), 1 Special Issue
  • International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation (ISI ranked), 1 Special Issue
  • Energy, Sustainability and Society (Springer Open Access Journal), 1 Special Issue.

More information about the 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management – ICEEM07, as well as about its previous editions, may be found on the official conference website: <link http:>