News articles

Project PEGASUS - Mapping multimodal commuting flows

Research cooperation with AK Vienna in the final phase.

[Translate to English:] Simulation der entsprechenden Belastungen auf den Kanten der Verkehrsgraphen.

© Kalasek

After about 1 1/2 years of intensive research work in close cooperation with AK Vienna, the "PEGASUS" project, in which multimodal commuting flows in the Vienna metropolitan region can be modelled and simulated, is nearing completion. The simulation model will be implemented before the summer and will then be available to AK Vienna for modelling the commutes of its members. The final presentation will take place on 26.06.2023 at AK Vienna (1040 Vienna: BIZ Theresianumgasse 16-18, room 14 a+b). The research cooperation is to be continued if possible in order to further develop the model for other possible applications in the field of mobility planning.

For more information on the project click here, opens in new window.


March 2022 - August 2023

Staff members: Kramar, opens in new window (Project management) | Banabak , opens in new window| Haider, opens in new window | Kalasek | Pühringer

Project partner: Arbeiterkammer Wien, opens an external URL in a new window