News articles

Excursion water resources management

Some impressions from another great water management excursion with 35 students of environmental engineering.

Group photos of the participants of the excursion

© Matthias Zessner-Spitzenberg

Excursion Wasserwirtschaft

Co-organized by Julia Derx and Matthias Zessner, the trip took the participants into beautiful parts of Austria and focused on three main topics:

  • Fish migration aid in Altenwörth, with a guided tour by Roland Schmalfuß and Hannes Einfalt from VERBUND AG
  • Hinterstoder wastewater treatment plant built in a cave, with a guided tour by Fritz Mayer and Werner Hackl
  • "Water for Vienna - Vienna's water supply" with a visit to the "HochQuellenWasser" museum and the Kläffer-spring in Wildalpen, led by Christian Maslo

The excursion ended with a lunch kindly offered by MA31 - Wiener Wasser.

We would like to thank all participating institutions and experts for their active contribution!