
16. April 2020, 09:00 until 17:00

High Potentials in Research: Funding Programmes for Excellent Science

Information Event

Would you like to get comprehensive and first-hand information about excellent science funding programmes of ERC and FWF?

*** due to the ongoing CoV-19 measures the event will take place on TUWEL ***

The Research and Transfer Suppport and the European and International Research Support, together with FWF and FFG, invite you to the Virtual High Potentials in Research Day@TU Wien where you learn more about the upcoming excellence in science funding programmes: FWF START and ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants. Services for successful applications offered by FWF, FFG and TU Wien will be presented. Furthermore insights into successful applications and experiences will by given by grant holders at TU Wien. 

During the morning session (9:00-12:00) an overview about the upcoming FWF START grant will be given by Mario Mandl (FWF, Programme Management START). Elisabeth Schludermann (Head of Funding Support and Industry Relations) will present accompanying services offered by TU Wien. First-hand insights into the application process and best practice will be given by Gareth Parkinson, grant holder of FWF START and ERC Consolidator. 

The afternoon session (13:00-16:30) will provide an overview on uture calls of ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants presented by Ylva Huber (FFG, NCP for ERC Programmes), and on accompanying FFG services. Siegfried Huemer (Head of  the European and International Research Support) will present established as well as new services offered by TU Wien. First-hand insight into the application process and best practice will be given by Silvan Schmid, grant holder of ERC Starting and ERC Proof of Concept.


Welcome and introduction
Services offered by TU Wien in Unit "Funding Support and Industry Relations", Glimpse on High Potentials in Research Programme
Elisabeth Schludermann

all about FWF START Grants
Overview of the programme characteristics, success factors
Mario Mandl

report of a successful START Grant applicant´s experience
Gareth Parkinson

next steps towards your START proposal
Elisabeth Schludermann

Lunch break

Welcome and Introduction
Siegfried Huemer

all about ERC Starting/Consolidator Grants
Overview of the programme characteristics, success factors
Ylva Huber

Report of a Successful ERC Starting Grant Applicant´s Experience
Silvan Schmid

European and International Research Support: ERC Support Overview
Siegfried Huemer

Conclusions, wrap up

End of Event

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Calendar entry

Event location

TUWEL Course
1040 Wien



Research and Transfer Suppport and the European and International Research Support
Elisabeth Schludermann und Siegfried Huemer





Entrance fee



Registration required


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