
2023-04-13, 2023-04-13 until 2023-04-13

HCF Breakout Sessions - Geriatric Care. Being a Patient in Old Age

Course of Lectures

A series of talks at the interface between medicine and architecture as part of the postgraduate master's programme of MedUniVienna and Vienna University of Technology.

The postgraduate Master's programme in Health Care Facilities (HCF), a joint project of the Vienna University of Technology and MedUni Vienna, will start in autumn 2023. This programme, which is unique in Europe, is aimed at students with a background in medicine, architecture, management, information technology, spatial planning or nursing. In the run-up to this, a series of interdisciplinary discussions on current challenges, the "HCF Breakout Sessions", will take place.

The term "health care facilities" refers to the infrastructure that the health care system needs to provide its services. This includes in particular hospitals and care facilities, as well as generally all facilities for diagnosis, therapy and prophylaxis, which ideally result in a powerful, efficient and resilient holistic system. The planning of these infrastructures is currently facing major challenges, which the HCF Breakout Sessions are addressing. They are called "Break Out Sessions" because they appeal to an audience from many disciplines who wants to cross interdisciplinary boundaries for an hour and a half. The fifth breakout session is dedicated to the topic of "Geriatric Care".

Topic: Geriatric Care. Being a Patient in Old Age   
13. April 2023, 15:30 – 17:00 via Zoom:, opens an external URL in a new window
No registration required.

Around 40 percent of all patients over 65 years of age in acute hospitals have a cognitive impairment, many of them dementia, which is undocumented or even previously unknown. Dementia-sensitive hospital design can not only contribute to the success of treatment, but also improve the overall quality of life in an exceptional situation. In their presentations, architect Prof. Gesine Marquard from TU Dresden and geriatric specialist Prof. Regina Roller-Wirnsberger from MedUni Graz will examine how this can best be achieved. The subsequent discussion will be moderated by Prof. Michael Hiesmayr from MedUni Vienna and Prof. Christian Kühn from TU Vienna.

Die Breakout Sessions werden aufgezeichnet und sind unmittelbar nach der Veranstaltung auf unserem YouTube Kanal abrufbar:, opens an external URL in a new window.

All breakout sessions can be found on our Youtube Channel:, opens an external URL in a new window

Visit our website for more information about the two-year master's program: MSc Healthcare Facilities | TU Wien

Contact us here>>

Calendar entry

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Digital Meetingroom
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TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education





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