
02. April 2019, 09:00 until 17:00

[EN] Competent & Confident. Make Yourself Comfortable Teaching Content in English (Part 1/2)



Dates: 02./09.04.2019
Time / duration: 9:00-17:00
Location: Sitzungszimmer Rektorat, opens an external URL in a new window (Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, 1st floor)
Trainer: Mag. Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Weber, opens an external URL in a new window
Group size: min 10 participants; max. 15 participants
Target group: all TU lecturers who teach content in English

Learning outcomes: By the end of the course, participants are able to…

  •  …effectively apply English in various typical lecture situations (introduction, conclusion, rephrasing, task description, problem-solving, etc.)
  •  …successfully manage possible language problems (vocabulary issues, communication break-down, etc.)
  •  …differentiate between ESP (English for Specific Purposes) and EGP (English for General Purposes) and deduct possible challenges deriving from these differences,
  •  …analyze basic requirements for sustainable learning and teaching through a foreign language and apply these in their work,
  •  …analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of their current materials and methods and adapt them to the needs of their learners,
  •  …develop problem-solving skills and gain support from a collaborative network of ESP practitioners through new and stronger professional relationships,
  •  …communicate more effectively in English by having participated in course activities,
  •  …develop a healthy attitude as proficient language user.


  •  differences between ‘normal’ English and English for Specific Purposes
  •  requirements for sustainable content learning and teaching using a lingua franca
  •  phrases for typical lecture situations
  •  successfully dealing with language problems
  •  analysis and evaluation of participants’ teaching materials and methods regarding their effectiveness for sustainable learning in a foreign language
  •  individual professional support, problem-solving and exchange
  •  (further) development of a healthy attitude as proficient language users

This course is very hands-on. We work in various interactive settings using a variety of teaching methods ranging from individual reflection to pair work, smaller and larger group activities, discussions and short theoretical input sessions.

Kosten für Mitarbeiter_innen anderer Universitäten: 350€

Calendar entry

Event location

Sitzungszimmer Rektorat
1040 Vienna
Karlsplatz 13



focus:lehre Team





Entrance fee



Registration required
