
06. September 2022, 09:30 until 08. September 2022 14:30

EFNS 2022: 5th European Forum on Nanoscale IR Spectroscopy


ENFS 2022: 5th European Forum on Nanoscale IR Spectroscopy

Bruker's interactive forum on IR nanoscale chemical and physical characterization of polymers, life sciences, 2D materials, and micro-electronics.

Bruker and TU Wien are pleased to announce that EFNS 2022 will take place September 6-8 in the beautiful city of Vienna. EFNS connects leading scientists in the field of nanoscale infrared spectroscopy and imaging. This interactive forum benefits everyone interested in the IR nanoscale chemical and physical characterization of polymers, life sciences, 2D materials, and micro-electronics. The program is designed to facilitate information sharing so that it is valuable for experts and novices alike. It includes oral presentations, poster competitions, system demonstrations at a workshop on September 8th and the possibility to talk to Bruker experts in person.

Calendar entry

Event location

Audimax + Aula and Room GM3
1060 Wien
Getreidemarkt 9



Dr. Georg Ramer (TU Wien) / Miriam Unger (BRUKER)


More Information





Entrance fee



Registration required


Bruker is pleased to announce that EFNS 2022 will take place from September 6-8 in the beautiful city of Vienna. EFNS connects leading scientists in the field of nanoscale infrared spectroscopy and imaging. This interactive forum benefits everyone interested in the IR nanoscale chemical and physical characterization of polymers, pharmaceuticals, 2D materials, and micro-electronics.

The program is designed to facilitate information sharing so that it is valuable for experts and novices alike. It includes oral presentations, poster competitions, system demonstrations at a workshop on September 8th and the possibility to talk to Bruker experts in person.

This year´s meeting will be held at the Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, TU Wien and is hosted by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Lendl and Dr. Georg Ramer from the Research Group Process Analytics.