The wide range of study programmes represents the practical orientation in conjuction with researchaided teaching and fundamental research as well as application oriented research.  Further information can be found under the corresponding link.

Information regarding the courses are available in tiss, opens an external URL in a new window.

Bachelor's Programmes

The Bachelor's Programme provides a solid scientific basic eduation with an emphasis on practical orientation. The regular study period is 6 Semesters, on successful completion of the programme, the degree "Bachelor of Science (BSc)" is awarded. The faculty offers Bachelor Programmes in Technical Chemistry and Environmental Engineering.

E 033 290 - Technical Chemistry

E 033 266 - Environmental Engineering (interdisciplinary)


Preceding the start of the official admission an orientation phase, consisting of an online-self-assessment, the E-Chem Test and a counselling interview has to be conducted.

The Programme-PRe-Phase is intended as vocational orientation, it is available in German only.

Master's Programmes

Building on the knowledge gained in the Bachelor's programme, or a compareable education, the Master's Programme provides deepend sicientific education and a wide range of fields for specialication. The regular study period is 4 Semesters, on successful completion, the degree "Diplom-Ingenieur" / "Diplomingenieurin" "(Dipl.-Ing.)" (Master of Science) is awarded. In the course of the Master's Programme students compose a scientific thesis, the "Diplomarbeit". The faculty offers Master's Programmes with partners from the TU and other universites, which demonstrates the interdisciplinary approach of the faculty.

E 066 490 - Technical Chemistry (in English only)

E 066 658 - Chemistry and Technology of Materials (an interuniversity coursepartnership with the University of Vienna)

E 066 434 - Material Scieneces (interfacultary)

E 066 566 - Environmental Engineering (interfacultary)

E 066 652 - Green Chemistry (in English only, an interuniversity coursepartnership with the University of Vienna and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences)

Admission conditions for Technical Chemistry, Chemistry and Technology of Materials, Material Sciences and Environmental Engineering

Bachelor's Programme Technical Chemistry or completed degree in a relevant subject from a recognised domestic or foreign higher education establishment. Relevant courses include, in particular, bachelor's, master's and other degrees programmes in Technical Chemistry and Chemistry.

Admission conditions for Green Chemistry

A selection procedure is carried out PRIOR to admission

The allocation of places takes place within the framework of a three-stage selection procedure, which all registered applicants who meet the qualitative admission requirements on the basis of their previous education must go through.

It is recommended to start in winter semester.

Doctoral Progammes

In the Doctoral Programme research is carried out indepenedntly and documented in a doctoral thesis.
The regular study period is 6 Semesters. The Faculty offers Doctoral Programmes in Technical Sciences and Natural Scienes.

E 786 800 - Doktoratsstudium der technischen Wissenschaften / E 791800 - Doktoratsstudium der Naturwissenschaften

Admission conditions for Doctoral Programmes

  • successful completion of a relevant master's, teacher training or other appropriate degree programme


  • successful completion of an equivalent degree programme at an accredited tertiary educational institution in or out of Austria


  • successful completion of a relevant degree or master's programme from a technical college in accordance with § 6 Para. 4 Fachhochschulstudiengesetz [Technical Colleges Act]


  • in the case of non-EU or EEA citizens: possibly also proof of direct admission to doctoral studies in the country of origin of the diploma (special university entrance qualification)


  • a confirmation of supervision from a person with a habilitation (postodoctoral teaching qualification) - it is not possible to complete the doctoral program without supervision.

Doctoral Colleges

Doctoral Colleges aim to provide young scientists with an excellent and interdisciplinary education based on top international research.

Currently active doctoral colleges