In the course of your studies, situations can sometimes arise in which you feel particularly stressed or even overwhelmed. In these situations it is good to get support! With the psychosocial student counselling service, TU Wien has created a special service for TU students to help them cope with stressful situations and to strengthen their own abilities to deal with current and future challenges and problems.

Sometimes it is good to discuss the current situation in a confidential individual setting. In this case, individual counselling is right for you.

Sometimes it is also helpful to take advantage of a group offer on a specific topic (e.g. exam anxiety, loss of motivation) together with other students who are currently in a similar situation.

Below you will find detailed information on individual counselling as well as on current group offers. All services are of course free of charge and confidential.

Individual counselling

As a TU student, you can contact an external psychologist who will advise and support you in various situations.

In which cases can you use the offer?

  • dealing with mental health issues
  • acute crisis (separation, deseases, death, other stressful events)
  • If you have the impression that studying is a particular burden at the moment.
  • If you feel anxious about exams, graduation or general anxiety
  • If you feel depressed
  • Sleep disturbances, increased substance use or physical complaints without medical or somatic findings.
  • In general: If you have the impression that your inner resources for coping with problems no longer work or are no longer sufficient (e.g. humour, flexibility in action and thinking, determination, ...).

Up to three counselling sessions of 50 minutes per calendar year can be consumed. In case of a need for longer-term (psychotherapeutic) counselling, the counsellor will help to refer the student to appropriate further services. The counselling is strictly confidential and the contents of the counselling sessions are not passed on to third parties. Please take your student ID with you to the first session as proof of identity; your data will be treated confidentially.


(for appointment requests by e-mail, please check your SPAM folder regularly)


Nadja Springer

[Translate to English:] Nadja Springer

is a clinical and health psychologist and additionally working as a psychotherapist (for psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy). Futhermore, she works as a psychosocial employee in the "Dialog"  association. As if that would not already be enough, Mrs. Springer is also member of a team for management of the certificate, the university and Master's Programme "Addiction Counseling and Prevention" at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. In case of increased demand, Nadja Springer is supported by her colleges.


Group offers

Every semester there are group offers on specific topics, which are led by external counsellors from WU Student Counselling. You can find an overview of the specific group offers of the current semester here. As the number of participants is limited, we kindly ask you to register at TISS. Detailed information can be found here:

The workshop is about understanding what procrastination is and what the causes might be. We will also work out what you are currently procrastinating about and what methods you can use to get out of procrastination and into action.

During our three follow-up meetings, you will have many opportunities to share your experiences with other students, because one thing is certain: you are not alone with your procrastination!

The workshop will be held in GERMAN only.

Tuesday, 28.05.2024, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Seminarraum 8 (Karlsplatz 13, ground floor), opens an external URL in a new window

Thursday, 06.06.2024, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Seminarraum AA 03 - 1 – CEE (Karlsplatz 13, 3. floor),, opens an external URL in a new window

Tuesday, 11.06.2024, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Seminarraum AA 03 - 1 – CEE (Karlsplatz 13, 3. floor),, opens an external URL in a new window

Target group: Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students
Registration until 27.05. 2024 via informal e-mail:
Workshop speaker: Lisa Vrablicz MSc
For questions regarding registration:

Lisa Vrablicz

[Translate to English:] Portrait Lisa Vrablicz

Lisa Vrablicz studied psychology at the University of Vienna and then graduated as a clinical psychologist. Before working in Student Support at TU Wien, she was employed at the Psychological Student Counselling Service in Linz. There she gained a wide range of experience in the individual treatment of students, as well as in group programmes on topics such as procrastination, stress management, time management and learning techniques. Lisa knows how challenging the time of studying can be, which is why supporting students is very important to her.

Studying on the Neurodiversity Spectrum Information event for students on AD(H)D and Autism Spectrum (ASD).

Studying on the Neurodiversity Spectrum Information event for students on AD(H)D and Autism Spectrum (ASD).

AD(H)D (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and Autism Spectrum (ASD) are familiar to most people. However, prevailing clichés such as "ADHD only affects children" or "autistic people are all highly gifted nerds" determine the perception of how and who those affected are. In fact, neurodiversity and the respective manifestations cover a broad spectrum and affect more people than assumed.

The extent to which AD(H)D or ASD affects the way students cope with everyday life at university and how they can be dealt with will be answered by four female experts who are themselves affected, in a 4-hour lecture on the following topics:

  • What is ADHD? - More than hyperactivity
  • What is ASD? How can I (get to) know my own autism spectrum?
  • Commonalities of ADHD and ASD
  • Challenges and support options in studies
  • Practical tips for "surviving" with ADHD
  • Do I need a diagnosis?

After the keynote presentations by ADAPT experts, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and network.

The event takes place for the first time in cooperation of three universities - BOKU, WU and TU Wien - and the association ADAPT and is open for students of all three universities.

Welcome and opening by Mag.a jur. jur. Jasmin Gründling-Riener, Vice Rector Studies of the TU Wien.


The presentation slides of the lectures on neurodiversity can be found in the TUWEL course, opens an external URL in a new window for TUW members:

  • Studieren mit AD(H)S Einführung und Überblick (Vortrag Margot Lepuschitz)
  • Unterstützung von Studierenden mit AD(H)S bzw ASS in meiner Lehrveranstaltung (Vortrag Linda Kreil)
  • Autismus aus der Perspektive einer Autistin (Vortrag Sanrine Roche)
  • 50 Tipps zum Umgang mit AD(H)S bei Erwachsenen (Vortrag Carolina Siegel)

Futher offers

We would also like to draw your attention to our service point Barrier-free Studying for disabled and chronically ill students at the TU Wien. In addition to orientation and mobility training at the place of study, the service point also offers information on legal issues concerning disabilities and studying (examination modalities). They inform you about barrier-free accessibility and the barrier-free use of the available infrastructure (e.g. library, lecture halls, refectory, etc.) and advise or support you in organising your studies.

The Nightline Wien is a Telephone listening service by students for students.This is a non-profit project run by students that offers all students in Vienna a sympathetic ear for their concerns. No matter what it's about! Calls to the Nightline Wien are anonymous, non-judgmental and confidential.
You can reach Nightline Wien on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 8 p.m. to midnight on +43 650 7427637. You can find more information on Instagram ( and on our website (, opens an external URL in a new window).

Passed events 

The online panel discussion was recorded and is available online. It took place on November 11, 2021.

Psychological problems in students were examined from different perspectives and support options for those affected were discussed.

Invited to the podium were:

  • Mag.phil. Marlene Fuhrmann-Ehn, Disability Officer at TU Wien
  • mag. iur. Dr iur. Jasmin Gründling-Riener, head of the study department at the TU Wien
  • Mag.a. Nadja Springer, individual psychosocial counseling for TU students
  • Mag.a. Christine Leitl-Kovacic, Psychosocial group offers for students
  • Julia Macho, HTU social department

The event was opened by VR Kurt Matyas, the moderation was taken over by Louisa Holub/ TU Diversity Management.

Afterwards there was the possibility to ask questions via app (anonymized).

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