2 halves of a 3D printed fish

Studying at TU Wien

Are you wondering what orange fish have to do with studying at TU Wien? More than you might think. Studying with us means solving exciting challenges and understanding technology. You will receive a solid scientific foundation, which you can deepen according to your interests. Latest discoveries in science are constantly being incorporated into teaching, which means your education is always up to date. Our graduates are in demand on the labour market and valued by top companies.

And now back to the fish: they are the result of a pioneering 3D printing process at TU Wien – an impressive example of how knowledge is transformed into innovation. Exchange ideas, get to know our services and become part of TU Wien – a university where ideas grow and the future takes shape.

Study Programmes

Three books lie on top of each other, with a doctor's hat on top.

© smolaw11 - stock.adobe.com

Discover our range of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Programmes as well as postgraduate education.

Prospective Students

Perspective from above: Feet stand in front of three arrows pointing in different directions.

© New Africa - stock.adobe.com

Are you interested in studying at TU Wien? Get to know us!

New Students

A person in a blazer holds a clipboard in front of his chest with ‘Plan’ written on it.

© wor_woot - stock.adobe.com

We will guide you through your first steps in your programmes and show you around the university.


View into a lecture room. Two young students are engrossed in conversation

© Drazen - stock.adobe.com

Discover our services and support offers and make contacts in the community.

Studying Internationally

Five hands holding a small globe

© Ruslan Batiuk - stock.adobe.com

Take advantage of our mobility programmes to study abroad or plan your stay at TU Wien.


A group of pupils are standing at a blackboard doing maths.

© Tom Wang - stock.adobe.com

Would you like to get your pupils interested in technology and science? We know how.

Teaching Staff

Female teacher addressing university students in a classroom

© Monkey Business - stock.adobe.com

We offer our teaching staff a wide range of support in order to maintain and continuously improve the high quality of teaching.

Invitation to the i²c Networking Friday

The Exhibition & Networking Event of the Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) TU Wien.

[Translate to English:] Networking Friday

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[Translate to English:] Networking Friday

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The i²c Networking Friday is more than just a networking event: The diverse program begins with a panel discussion that examines the exciting question of which role universities play in the digital transformation - are they drivers or observers? The following networking lunch will be accompanied by an exhibition of the latest and most innovative research projects, spin-outs and start-ups of the TU Wien. It offers the unique opportunity to establish contacts with international scientists, founders, investors, as well as representatives from industry and funding institutions.

The afternoon starts with a talk on scientific entrepreneurship. Dr. Tim Hart talks about his experiences at Oxford University and the value and future role of entrepreneurship for academic institutions. After the talk, the participants of the three-day workshop i²c StartAcademy 2017 present their start-up projects in front of a jury of potential investors. The most convincing teams are awarded with cash and non-cash prizes worth a total of € 20,000. At the end of the official program, there is again the opportunity for networking and intensifying the new contacts gained.

The panelists:
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank (Chair Information Systems and Enterprise Modelling, Univ. Duisburg-Essen), Dr. Ludovit Garzik (Head of Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development), Dr. Tim Hart (Managing Consultant, Isis Enterprise, Oxford University Innovation Ltd.), DI. (FH) Tom Peruzzi, MA (International Interims CxO, Angel-Investor, Lecturer)

Moderation: Mag. Daniel Cronin (Co-Founder and Member of the Board of Austrian Startups)

Friday, February 24th 2017, 9am – 4pm
Kuppelsaal, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna

Discuss with us - free admission!
Limited number of guests for space reasons, quick registration recommended!
Online registration at <link http: bit.ly _blank>

bit.ly/2fHHtHM, opens an external URL in a new window

Detailed program at <link http: bit.ly _blank>

bit.ly/2k8cCDe, opens an external URL in a new window

Further information:
Dr. Birgit Hofreiter
TU Wien
Innovation Incubation Center (i²c)
Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna
T: +43-1-58801-406671
<link http: i2c.ec.tuwien.ac.at _blank>

i2c.ec.tuwien.ac.at, opens an external URL in a new window