2 halves of a 3D printed fish

Studying at TU Wien

Are you wondering what orange fish have to do with studying at TU Wien? More than you might think. Studying with us means solving exciting challenges and understanding technology. You will receive a solid scientific foundation, which you can deepen according to your interests. Latest discoveries in science are constantly being incorporated into teaching, which means your education is always up to date. Our graduates are in demand on the labour market and valued by top companies.

And now back to the fish: they are the result of a pioneering 3D printing process at TU Wien – an impressive example of how knowledge is transformed into innovation. Exchange ideas, get to know our services and become part of TU Wien – a university where ideas grow and the future takes shape.

Study Programmes

Three books lie on top of each other, with a doctor's hat on top.

© smolaw11 - stock.adobe.com

Discover our range of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Programmes as well as postgraduate education.

Prospective Students

Perspective from above: Feet stand in front of three arrows pointing in different directions.

© New Africa - stock.adobe.com

Are you interested in studying at TU Wien? Get to know us!

New Students

A person in a blazer holds a clipboard in front of his chest with ‘Plan’ written on it.

© wor_woot - stock.adobe.com

We will guide you through your first steps in your programmes and show you around the university.


View into a lecture room. Two young students are engrossed in conversation

© Drazen - stock.adobe.com

Discover our services and support offers and make contacts in the community.

Studying Internationally

Five hands holding a small globe

© Ruslan Batiuk - stock.adobe.com

Take advantage of our mobility programmes to study abroad or plan your stay at TU Wien.


A group of pupils are standing at a blackboard doing maths.

© Tom Wang - stock.adobe.com

Would you like to get your pupils interested in technology and science? We know how.

Teaching Staff

Female teacher addressing university students in a classroom

© Monkey Business - stock.adobe.com

We offer our teaching staff a wide range of support in order to maintain and continuously improve the high quality of teaching.

Coronavirus – Update: Information for Students

TU Wien works continuously on solutions for the benefit of its students and lecturers. The Federal Government has also made legal changes for the 2020 summer semester as part of the "Corona-3 Package", which should prevent negative effects

[Translate to English:] Corona-Update

The TU Wien continues to find itself in an unprecedented situation: The entire teaching had to be converted to Distance Learning at short notice. Until the end of the summer semester 2020, this will be continued for all courses for which this is possible. The Covid 19 crisis poses a number of challenges for students and teachers. We are continuously working on solutions in the interest of TUW students and lecturers. The Federal Government has also made legal changes for the 2020 summer semester as part of the "Corona 3 package", which should prevent negative effects.

The neutral semester

Since it may not be possible to complete the full range of academic achievements - through no fault of the students - this semester is "out of the running" for the duration of support in the study support system. This applies to study grants, mobility scholarships and graduation scholarships. Recipients of study assistance should not suffer any disadvantage.

The neutral semester means:

  • Payment: Of course the grant will be paid out in the summer semester 2020 as well. Proof of examination for the last winter semester, which has to be provided in the current semester, will be reduced because the re-enrolment period was only available for examinations to a limited extent.
  • Duration of entitlement: For all students who were still within the entitlement period in winter semester 2019/20 or summer semester 2020, the entitlement period is extended by one semester. They will receive a further semester's allowance if they need it.
  • Study success: For the summer semester 2020, no proof of study success is required as an exception. The proof of academic success to be presented in the winter semester 2020/21 or in the summer semester 2021 is reduced accordingly.
  • Eligibility deadlines: Any other deadlines, e.g. for admission to the subsequent Master's programme, for compliance with the age limit or for completion of studies in the final scholarship, will also be extended by six months in winter semester 2020/21.
  • Application deadlines: These do not change.
  • Implementation: Details are still to be regulated by corresponding laws and regulations. As soon as this is issued, the new regulations will be announced on the homepage of the Study Grant Authority.

Note on the Study Grant Authority:

There will be delays due to the reduction in staff due to security reasons. The authority is not taking any calls at the moment. Inquiries are currently only possible via contact form, opens an external URL in a new window and will be processed as soon as possible.


Even if these measures make it easier to obtain proof of performance, the TU Wien is developing a distance learning examination offer for suitable courses, in addition to the existing possibilities of diploma examinations and rigorous examinations via video conference.
Examinations and courses for which on-site attendance is absolutely necessary will be held again as soon as the security measures of the Federal Government allow this. With the measure to extend distance learning to the end of the semester, we are creating the framework conditions (room resources etc.) for this. Currently we are working on the timetable view in TISS. After Easter there will again be a descriptive version available, which will also include online dates.
As soon as there are finished concepts for online exams or it is foreseeable when and how attendance exams will be possible again, you will be informed immediately.

Script purchase, library access

Until further notice, access to TUW buildings is only possible for nominated key persons and absolutely necessary system maintenance work. This means that the library will also remain closed until further notice and that there will be no script sales on site.

Tuition fees

Students who are currently subject to tuition fees are recommended to wait until April 17th before paying the tuition fee. Currently, many aspects of tuition fees, deadlines and examination possibilities have not yet been clarified. As soon as a re-evaluation of the situation is possible, you will receive the corresponding information

Further information

We continue to work on good solutions for our students and teachers. You can find updates and current information at https://colab.tuwien.ac.at/display/CORONA/Distance+Learning+for+Students, opens an external URL in a new window
For questions you can still contact coronainfo@tuwien.ac.at.