Admission procedure

Admission to a doctoral degree programme is conditional on the successful completion of a relevant master's/diploma programme or other equivalent degree programme at a recognized foreign post-secondary institution. Completion of the doctoral programme at TU Wien leads to the academic degree of "Doktor_in" (NOT PhD!).

At TU Wien a doctoral programme is implemented, which can be completed in one of three fields: Engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences or Social and Economic Sciences and the respective department. However, not every master's or diploma programme entitles the holder to take up a doctoral programme at TU Wien.


Doctoral thesis agreement

If you have a confirmation of supervision and have been admitted to the doctoral programme, a Doctoral thesis agreement, opens a file in a new window must be concluded with the supervisor and TU Wien. This agreement regulates

  • rights and obligations of all parties involved are regulated,
  • the dissertation project is specified,
  • time and financial conditions are specified,
  • the intensity of supervision (frequency of feedback meetings) and
  • the services to be rendered.

In parallel to working on the dissertation, doctoral candidates must provide services in the form of seminars, workshops, conference participation, etc. The scope of the services to be rendered comprises 18 ECTS credits. They are specified in the Doctoral thesis agreement and planned together with the supervisor. In addition to the agreed credits such as seminars, lectures, etc., the participation in workshops that serve the acquisition of key competences should also be planned in the dissertation agreement, as well as any other externally provided services such as presentations at conferences, participation in summer schools, etc. The Doctoral thesis agreement should also include the participation in workshops that serve the acquisition of key competences. The planned achievements should be chosen in such a way that they support the dissertation project and subsequently a professional career in the best possible way.