Winter School in Japan

Our partner institution Shibaura Institute of Technology offers a winter school. Please send your applications to by October 17.

red temple in front of mount Fuji

© Weiqi Xiong | Unsplash

SIT Winter School 2023

Cross-Cultural Engineering Project (CEP) 

The objective is to develop problem-solving skills to obtain overall optimal solutions through Cross-cultural Engineering Project (CEP), an international and interdisciplinary project team exercise. The CEP is an exercise based on Global Project Based Learning and is conducted in three regions around the world. In Japan, CEP@SIT is conducted as an industry-university-community cooperative project with graduate students, 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students from Southeast and East Asia and EU. Themes are set based on issues raised by companies and local communities. In order to realize the set theme, project teams analyze objectives, needs, and technologies, and conduct comprehensive problem solving from the definition of requirements by making full use of "systems thinking," "systems methods," and "systems management. The program of this exercise is consisted of (1) ice-breaking and team formation, (2) theme determination, requirements analysis, and goal setting, (3) evaluation plan and budget plan development, (4) Design Review (DR), (5) activities based on the plan, and (6) final presentation (FP).


  • Period: December 13, 2023 (Wednesday) - December 22, 2023 (Friday)
  • Place: Face-to-Face at Omiya campus of SIT and NASU Kougen
  • Participants: A few students from each university. Total 80 participants expected. 34 undergraduate and graduate students from Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japanese and oversea students), 46 students from partner universities.
  • Team: each team consosts of 2 SIT members + 2 partner universities x 2 = 6 members
  • Language: English, but communication using electronic dictionaries and various devices and services (Internet, smart phones) is acceptable.
  • Accommodation: Participants are to find accommodation *reference list is provided. (No need to reserve for Days 5-7. The field trip to Nasu is expected.)
    * Participants are responsible for airfare, travel insurance, accommodation payment incl. Days 5-7, daily transportation, food, other personal expenses during the program.

Please download the flyer (PDF), opens a file in a new window for details and complete schedule.
Interested students may download the application form (EXCEL), opens a file in a new window and submit it to JASEC via email by October 17, 2023.