22. November 2022, 09:00 until 25. November 2022 13:30
Hybrid Course - Parallelization with MPI
Content Levels: Beginners = 8:00h (50%) + Intermediate = 6:00h (37%) + Advanced = 2:00h (13%)
This course has been originally developed by Rolf Rabenseifner from the High-Performance Computing-Center Stuttgart (HLRS) and is organized in cooperation with HLRS.
Agenda & Content:
1st day – 22 November 2022
08:45 Join in
09:00 Welcome (talk)
09:05 MPI overview (talk+demo)
10:30 Break / Breakout-Rooms (meet your exercise group)
10:45 Process model and language bindings (talk+demo+practical)
12:00 Break
12:10 Messages and point-to-point communication (talk+practical)
13:30 End of first day
2nd day – 23 November 2022
08:45 Join in
09:00 Ping pong benchmark - solution and results (talk+discussion)
09:10 Nonblocking communication (talk+demo+practical)
10:30 Break
10:45 Collective communication (talk+demo+practical)
12:00 Break
12:15 Optimizing MPI communication - a real world example (talk+discussion)
12:30 Short Tour: other MPI topics (talk)
13:00 Fortran and MPI - only for Fortran participants (talk)
13:30 End of second day
3rd day – 24 November 2022
08:45 Join in
09:00 Groups & Communicators (talk+practical)
10:00 Break
10:15 Virtual topologies (talk+practical)
12:00 Break
12:15 Derived datatypes (talk+demo+practical)
13:30 End of third day
4th day – 25 November 2022
08:45 Join in
09:00 One-sided Communication (talk+practical)
10:30 Break
10:45 Shared Memory One-sided Communication (talk+practical)
12:00 Break
12:15 Short Tour: MPI I/O (talk)
12:45 Best practice, Summary, Q&A (talk+discussion)
13:30 End of fourth day (course)
Course Format:
This course will be delivered as an HYBRID COURSE, i.e., you can choose either in-person attendance onsite at TU Wien or online participation via Zoom.
If you are planning to travel to Vienna for in-person attendance, we strongly recommend to choose travel options and hotels with the possibility to cancel (even close to the event) because we might be forced to deliver the course entirely online if Covid strikes back.
For the hands-on sessions you should be able to program in either C/C++ or Fortran or Python and if you do the exercises on the VSC you should know how to work on the Unix/Linux command line.
Hands-on Labs:
For doing the hands-on labs all you need is a C/C++ or Fortran compiler, or Python+numpy+mpi4py, and a recent MPI library. Participants can choose between using any system they have access to that provides these or their own laptops with a proper installation of the mentioned software. Alternatively, participants can ask for a training user account at the VSC for the duration of the course.
Accepted participants will be contacted a few days before the course and asked to do a short PRE-ASSIGNMENT that has to be completed before the course starts.
Claudia Blaas-Schenner (VSC Research Center, TU Wien),
Simeon Harrison and Moritz Siegel (tutors; VSC Research Center, TU Wien)
Date, Time, and Location:
22.-25.11.2022, 09:00 - 13:30 CET,
FH Schulungsraum TU.it (TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, ground floor, red area)
OR live online course via Zoom (hybrid course format)
Prices and Eligibility:
Registrations for this course are handled with priority rules (see below) and different course fees apply:
- VSC users: none
- Students and members of Austrian universities and public research institutes: none
- Students and members of other universities and public research institutes: 180 €
- Others (*): 600 €
Information about payment will be provided with the confirmation email.
(*) Austrian SMEs can get a funding of 80% of the course fee via the Digital Skills Schecks Initiative (https://www.ffg.at/ausschreibungen/DigitalSkillsSchecks-2-Ausschreibung)
Course Material:
The course material will be available at course start.
Event location
Wien Hybrid - TU Wien and Zoom
VSC Research Center (TU Wien), High-Performance Computing-Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Claudia Blaas-Schenner and Ulrike Faltin
More Information
Entrance fee
Registration required
Registration: vsc.ac.at/training/registration/mpi/, opens an external URL in a new window
Registration deadline is Sunday, October 16, 2022, with priority rules. Acceptance will be approved on October 17, 2022. As long as seats are available there will be an extended registration period without priority rules.
Following your successful registration, you will receive further information approx. 1 week before the course.
For the hybrid course we can take a maximum of 30 persons. Additional registrations will be added to a waiting list.
Priority for acceptance: first - active users of the VSC systems, second - students and members of Austrian universities and public research institutes, third - other applicants.