***Call for Projects***

Submission by 22.09.2024

Japanese Science Day - on the occasion of the ‘Road to EXPO’ we are looking forward to your Japan-related project submission!

In the run-up to the EXPO, which will take place in Osaka, Japan in 2025, TU Wien, in cooperation with the University of Vienna / Japanese Studies, invites you to the Japanese Science Day on October 5th, 2024.
The aim is to network Austrian research institutions which have connection to Japan.

Call for Projects

The event will also present projects and exemplary collaborations that are related to Japan or have been developed together with Japanese research institutions. The call is open to all disciplines.

What is important to us:

The focus is not only on the technical content - the ‘how’ is of particular interest:

  • How was the cooperation initiated?
  • What challenges were faced during implementation?
  • What is the added value of the cooperation for Japan and Austria?

Formal conditions:

In order to show as many examples as possible, the presentation should be kept short (3-5 minutes). It primarily serves as an impulse for subsequent networking and mutual learning on the basis of best practice examples and should illustrate the range and scientific excellence of scientific cooperation between Japan and Austria.

Alternatively, posters (portrait format A1-A0) can also be brought along.


Submission by 22.09.2024