Quantum Metrology

Atomic clocks go nuclear

The quantum metrology research group is working towards a new type of atomic clock, that uses the atomic nucleus of Thorium-229 to realize the „ticking“. Going from electronic shell to nuclear transitions promises an increase in precision together with a more robust and compact implementation. More information can be found under https://www.nuclock.eu/, opens an external URL in a new window


Happy Holidays from team Caesium!

Although the situation with Covid made progress in the lab at times difficult, we end the year on a high note!

Happy Holidays from team Caesium!

© Atominstitut

Happy Holidays from team Caesium!

Although the situation with Covid made progress in the lab at times difficult, we end the year on a high note! The group has grown substantially in 2021: we welcome Shreyas Gulhane as our new PhD student. Shreyas joined from earlier this year after finishing his master at Ruhr Universität Bochum and MPQ at Garching. The team was also joined by Master students Christian and Klaudia, as well as Joachim and Lea working on student projects.