Mechanical engineers are the creative minds behind the scenes, ensuring that our world runs smoothly and continues to evolve.

With a solid understanding of mathematics and physics, combined with their creative approach, they are the visionaries of tomorrow. They design and realize machinery, devices, and systems for a variety of applications, whether it's in medical technology, energy, or automotive engineering. With an eye for sustainability and a drive for innovation, they always strive for eco-friendly and advanced solutions.

Their days are filled with creating technical drawings using CAD systems, developing prototypes for new products, and conducting tests and simulations to ensure everything functions seamlessly.

But their work doesn't stop there. They are also experts in optimizing existing machinery and systems to make them more efficient and effective.

Moreover, they play a crucial role in production by creating manufacturing plans, sourcing materials, and calculating costs. They collaborate closely with clients, production staff, and suppliers to ensure that every project is a success.

Mechanical Engineering can be studied by anyone who is interested in technical and scientific processes and solving complex problems.

The prerequisite is a university entrance qualification (Matura or similar). Furthermore, knowledge of descriptive geometry must be demonstrated. If descriptive geometry was not taught as a separate subject at school, this can be made up for in the first semesters at TU Wien in a separate supplementary course on descriptive geometry, opens an external URL in a new window.

Information for the admission of international students can be found on the homepage of the study department.

The following individual studies have already been approved by the Dean of Studies and the Study Commission:

Bachelor studies:

  • Mechanical engineering with a focus on mechatronics 
  • Materials science and materials technology 
  • Quantitative Economics and Mechatronics

Master studies:

  • Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering - Management (in English)

If you are interested in these study programs, please enroll in MB or WIMB and then send an e-mail to the STUKO chairperson Bei Interesse an diesen Studienangeboten, bitte MB oder WIMB inskribieren und danach eine E-Mail an die STUKO Vorsitzende (Ass.Prof. Isabella C. Skrna-Jakl, opens an external URL in a new window) or the deans of studies (Associate Prof. techn. Melanie Todt, opens an external URL in a new windowUniv.Prof. Dr. Paul Mayrhofer, opens an external URL in a new window).

We offer specializations in the following areas for the MB and WIMB Master's programmes:

  • Digital engineering innovation
  • Human-centered design, health and medicine
  • Energy, mobility, transport and environment
  • Materials, production and management

The English-language Master's program requires proficiency in German at level C1. If your previous Bachelor's degree from another institution is not fully equivalent to the Bachelor's program in Mechanical Engineering at TU Wien, it may be necessary for you to take one or more supplementary exam(s) from the Bachelor's program. Proficiency in German at level C1 is required for these exam(s).

The following modules can be taken in English to complete the corresponding Master's degree:

  • Advanced modules (6 required for the degree): 
    • Fundamentals of numerical thermo-fluid dynamics
    • Surface Technology
    • Fluid Mechanics 2
    • Werkstofftechnologie 
    • Human Resource Management and Leadership 
    • 1 advanced module individually approved by the deanss of studies, which consists of English-language courses on a superordinate topic. You can find a list of the English-language courses above.
      Specialization modules (2 required for the degree): 
  • Specialization modules (2 required for the degree):
    • Tissue biomechanics
    • Composite structures
    • Aircraft design
    • or a specialization module individually approved by the deans of studies

You can find information about which courses are being taught in English, opens an external URL in a new window this academic year, or in English if required, opens an external URL in a new window, in Tiss, opens an external URL in a new window using the advanced search or by clicking on the relevant links.