New courses for 2024/2025

The new semester is about to start and ASC has new courses to offer.

Blackboard covered with mathematical symbols and formulae.

© Markus Faustmann

Foto einer Kreidetafel mit mathematischen Formeln

We have put together an overview of all courses taught by ASC teachers for Technical Mathematics and Service Lectures. We would like to draw your attention especially to the courses that will be offered for the first time this winter semester:

101.A22, opens an external URL in a new window + 101.A23, opens an external URL in a new window Theory of Distributions (Dr. Eduard NIGSCH)
101.A24, opens an external URL in a new window + 101.A25, opens an external URL in a new window Topology: Locally compact groups and combinatorics (Prof. Martin BLÜMLINGER)
101.A34, opens an external URL in a new window AKANA Cross-diffusion systems with entropy structure (Prof. Ansgar JÜNGEL)
101.A29, opens an external URL in a new window AKNUM Scientific Computing for Finite Element Methods (Prof. Joachim SCHÖBERL and Edoardo BONETTI, MSc)
101.A30, opens an external URL in a new window AKNUM Least-Squares Finite Element Methods (Dr. Philipp BRINGMANN)
101.A31, opens an external URL in a new window Uncertainty Quantification and Statistical Inverse Problems (Dr. Leila TAGHIZADEH)
101.A33, opens an external URL in a new window Optimal transport (Dr. Artur STEPHAN), Announcement (PDF), opens a file in a new window
101.A35, opens an external URL in a new window AKNUM Iterative Solvers in Adaptive Finite Element Methods (Ani MIRACI, PhD)
101.A42, opens an external URL in a new window AKNUM hp-Finite Element Methods (Dr. Alexander RIEDER)

Click on the links to find out more about the contents and administrative details of each course.