Julian Streitberger wins prize for his doctoral thesis

A graduate of ASC receives the City of Vienna's Dissertation Prize

Julian Streitberger (middle) with Daniel Löcker to the left and Vice-Rector Gründling-Riener to the right

© TU Wien/Matthias Heisler

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The eleven prize winners flanked by Vice-Rector Gründling-Riener on the left and Daniel Löcker on the right side; in the background you see a slide showing the main building of TU Wien  and "Herzliche Glückwünsche!" written in white lettering centered at the bottom

© TU Wien/Matthias Heisler

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On 15 January, the Vice-Rector for Teaching at TU Wien, Jasmin GRÜNDLING-RIENER, and the Head of the Municipal Department for Science and Research Funding, Daniel LÖCKER, presented the City of Vienna's 2024 Diploma Thesis and Dissertation Awards. The City of Vienna's Dissertation Prize honours the best dissertations at each faculty every year and, according to Vice-Rector Jasmin Gründling-Riener, is a 'great recognition of the outstanding performance of our talented and motivated students' and an indicator 'of the great support provided to young academics'.

Supervised by Prof Dirk PRAETORIUS, Julian STREITBERGER completed his doctorate at the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing in June 2024. In his excellent dissertation, he presents and analyses optimal algorithms for the numerical treatment of partial differential equations, which are used in many areas of science and technology. These are generally not exactly solvable and numerical methods are therefore indispensable. Practical experiments usually require reaching a desired accuracy while at the same time minimising computation costs and computing time. The dissertation formulates adaptive algorithms for this purpose and proves mathematically that the proposed algorithms actually guarantee these two conditions.

ASC congratulates him warmly and wishes him all the best and continued success in his future (scientific) endeavors!