The scientific program of HMM 2023 will include

The abstract submission (contributed talks and posters) opens on January 16, 2023.

Please use one of the following templates to prepare a one-page abstract:

Please do not modify the templates (i.e., do not alter font, spacing, margins, etc.). Each abstract should not exceed one page. If the contribution involves more than one author, please make sure that the presenting author is underlined.

Abstracts should be submitted using the HMM submission system (you will need to create an account for that). You will have to submit both the pdf file of the abstract and all necessary files to generate it (LaTeX or Word).

During the submission process, you will have to indicate your preferred presentation format (oral or poster). Depending on the number of available slots, the scientific committee of HMM 2023 might decide to accept the contribution in a different format (e.g., contributions submitted as talks could be accepted as posters to be presented during the poster session).

UPDATE (March 12, 2023): The submission of abstracts for contributed talks is now closed. Submission of abstracts for contributed posters is still possible (until March 26, 2023). Abstracts will be reviewed on a rolling basis and authors will be advised of acceptance/rejection of their abstracts shortly after submission.